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“OMG, what is that smell?” If those words has ruined a dinner on the porch, or a nice ride in the car with the windows down, then you might live in one of the states being overtaken by stink bugs, known more formally as Halyomorpha halys.
Call it what you will, the noxious smell of these bugs will make you gag and likely clear a room. The stink bug is a recent visitor to the United States, and it seems to like it here. As a consequence, many homeowners are wondering about how to get rid of stink bugs.
Originally from Asia
First a little history: It seems the creatures hitched a ride here from Asia, and came to eastern Pennsylvania where they were first collected in September 1998 in Allentown.
The pests spread north to Maine and south to Florida, and are now moving west across the country. In the past few years, there have been one generation annually, but a mild winter and warm spring could enable additional generations to reproduce, increasing the population everywhere, and taking up residence in our homes, sheds and vehicles.
More than that, this infestation is damaging crops and foliage across the country. Back in Asia, brown marmorated stink bugs like to feast on peaches, figs, mulberries, citrus fruits and persimmons, but they seem to have expanded their palate abroad to dine on ornamentals, beans, soy beans and most fruit trees. The damage caused by stink bugs leaves plants and produce unfit for market.
Securing your home
So let’s get down to business: How do we get rid of stink bugs?
“For homeowners, stink bugs are really nothing more than a nuisance,” “If stink bugs are not treated in the crop fields, there is little a homeowner can do to stop their migration from the fields, so as a homeowner, exclusion is your best weapon.”
This can mean anything from securing your home so the little buggers can’t get in to killing them after they enter. Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed, and that protective screens are placed over air vents and chimneys.
Eco-friendly options
Now the big question: To spray or not to spray? In the spirit of being planet-friendly, there are some things to try before resorting to the big pesticide guns.
In a spray bottle, combine 32 ounces of hot water and three-quarters of a cup of Dawn dishwashing liquid and spray the exterior of your home, concentrating on those cracks, windows and doors. For an extra kick, you can use the anti-bacterial variety, but understand that it contains additional chemicals.
“Since invading stink bugs often over-winter in attics, consider an insect electrocution system,” “Install this in a dark attic, and it will help you collect the stink bugs that find their way into your home.”
More choices
If all else fails, we are here to help. You can simply fill out the form on the left and one of our sales staff at Extermital will be more than happy to assist you.
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“Take care of the customers you have, and you’ll always have customers to take care of!”.
Your satisfaction is our goal. If you aren’t completely satisfied, we will work with you until you are.
Terry Teague - President of Extermital.